Sunday, September 10, 2006

The elephant cow and New Leadership

Elephants live in a social hierarchy dominated by older females.
Scientist found out that the age of the matriarch to be a significant predictor of the number of calves produced by the family per 'female reproductive year'. That is because she is better able to recognize the approaching of a real threathening other elephant.
The older she is, the less more likely it is that she puts her group through unneccesary stress. Stress means defensiveness and is bad for reproduction.

New leaders do the same: they are not only led by fianancial goals, but are more focused on reaching an equilibrium. They know that stressed workers are less productive, so one of their goals is to reduce stress.
To distinguish a real thread from a presumed thread, it takes experience. The elephants show a direct connection between experience and result (more calves). That's why -at least in the Netherlands- on conferences on New Leadership you will find many 'eminences grises' and few young leaders. The experienced leaders might have started of as hard result-oriented leaders, but their experience made them realize that being only goal-driven, creates too much stress.
It is -ofcourse- a challenge to reduce stress for people in this money-driven and full society. But when we don't do so, more and more people will break under the stress and production will be even more under pressure.


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